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We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.

Peter Drucker, The Founder of Modern Management

In Javapaper, we provide you with development opportunities, benefits and a working culture that embraces diversity. So whether you’re looking for graduate opportunities or a job opening to progress your professional career, you can shape your own path as you work with the brands and people that drive our sustainable business growth.

Making Things Happen

"There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened." - Mary Kay Ash.

In here, we are looking for people who make things happen. We want employees who can take necessary actions to continuously improve and solve issues in the workplace. After all, flexibility and courage are what push us to innovate, and to overcome competition.

Collaborative Working

We understand the value of collaborative works. It is the synergy and collective wisdom developed from diverse team that set us apart from our competitors. The value of the organizations are the manifestation of all company assets, especially the knowledge, integration, and contributions of its people. Be part of our team, and you will understand how collaboration, discussion, and group learning be the part of our culture.

Work Life Balance

We believe that your satisfied and happy life outside your job is an important fuel needed at work. We are convinced the best results are achieved when we create a balance between work and life. In Javapaper, balance isn't about building an impenetrable wall between personal and professional lives, but finding ways to connect and integrate the two. 

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